Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

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Finest cotton collections
(non organic cotton but the fabrics are as soft as the organic one)

Disco baby

Drink milk save water

Electric baby biru muda

Electric baby abu muda

hard days night

Jason mraz abu muda

Jason Mraz hijau muda

Bob marley

Rolling stones (back)

Rolling stones (front)

Sing and laugh

Beatles maroon

Beatles coklat

Beatles hijau muda

New collections of Baby Feits

100% made from certified organic cotton

Rp.120.000 -- Promo price Rp.85.000 only!
Available size: 1y, 18m, 2y, 3m, 4y, 5y

For order please email to babyfeits@yahoo.com


I'm like totally organic

Save some for me

